lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

An Important Person, MOM

An important person I would say it is the one that you care about and that he or she cares about you or also someone that has a history with you. In my case, an important person for me is my mom, casually today it’s her birthday. She is 49 now. She has taught me everything I now in my life. First thing is that she took me everywhere when she was pregnant for 9 months; also take care of me always for 15 years and she will be taking care always me. She is important because she is a good person and when I say good I mean someone who has learn the bad way in life. Not because she want it that way but because that’s how God want it to be and for all the things she suffered in the past, she is the person she is right now. She is the person I most admire in this world and when I say this I mean it, not like other people that just say it. I love her and admire her more than anyone. 

One of her qualities is that when I do something bad, she do not yell at me, she talk to me about it and makes me see my mistake. I think, like most of adolescents, that I have not demonstrated my mom how much I love her and how much thankful I am with her but I know she knows it.

God sent our family many tests and my mom was the one that more suffer from this tests. Even that, she NEVER give up, she always kept fighting and always saw the positive things from "problems". Something I have learned from my mom is that "problems do not exist, they are just tests from God and the tests will only make you stronger.

We sometimes reclaim our mom that we work too hard and that we deserve a "price", and we never think that our mom carry us for 9 months, take care of us ALWAYS, love us, give us what we need, and give us more that we need for FREE. We are just not fair with our parents. Lets think about all they have done for us for 15 years. Lets think about this big test called LIFE.

People do not appreciate friends, family, etc. They just think about the bad things of other people and do not see the good things. Seeing the good things would make a better world.

For my mom i would do everything for her. I would die for her because she bring me to the world and make me who I am. Situations make her who she is. She is a strong person, funny person, straight person, and many more things that I would never stop saying. I'm proud of be her son, even I have done many bad things that she would be ashamed of me, she loves me. Having someone important in your life makes you feel secure and with confidence. 

Many times my mom inspires me to do a lot of things. I would like to make a book or make people know her so they know how hard is her life and see her as a happy  and positive person. People constantly are complaining about his or her problems and they do not think positive and do not think about other people problems. Many people just give up and doing that will just take he or her to a bad feature. 

Always have someone in which you can trust and you know he or she likes you just the way you are, cause thats how you need to be with other people, like him or her just the way she or he is and do not try to change them. Thats how the world should work. Just be you.

1 comentario:

  1. Diego:

    Check your grammar and don't write in black font! Black on black is very hard to read.

    I would have liked you to describe to me what your mother looks like, smells like, sounds like, etc. From all the writing that you have here, I can't get a clear picture of her. What color hair does she have? Is it long or short? What kinds of clothes does she wear?

    So, for your next blog entry, I want you to challenge yourself to use lots of sensory language and similes and metaphors. They will help your descriptions come to life on the page.

    Miss K
