For me and my life weather is not just something simple. Here on my condominum "Casa y Campo" is very important how the weather is. We all skate here in Casa y Campo so we can only skate when its not raining and we always skate when there is not even a cloud. I sincerly like rain because I like the sensation of being inside my house when its raining outside. When there is not too much rain, I love to get outside and skate with my friends but when the rain its too much, I hate that kind of weather. I hate it because I just get sad and I can only be inside my house which means I can not get together with my friends, not even to skate. What I mostly hate is that when there is raining too much, and I already have finish homework, I have nothing to do. I get deseperated of being inside and doing nothing but watching TV or listen to music. Meanwhile I do this things, I just talk with my blackberry and start thinking the things I'v made that day and the things I could do if there wouldn't be any rain.
In the otherside, when its very sunny, I always get out. When I'v homework and there is a sunny day, I am always thinking and trying to hurry up with my homework so my mom let me go out with my friends.
When there is a sunny day, the time goes very fast for me so I'm always late at my house because I have to be on my house at 6 or 5 depending on the day. Today is a good example of a sunny day. The problem is that two girls visited me so I didn't do my homework and now until 8p.m. I am doing my homework. I hope this is my only homework or I'm dead.
In less words, when there is a rainy day, I can not meet with my friends and got desesperated and depressed because I can not get out and in my house i am just doing... nothing. In other words when its sunny I always get out, meet with my friends, skate, and have a pretty good day but at the end my mom punishes me because of getting late. I think that sunny days makes people feel more good and behave better and more funny. With the rainy days is totally the opposite.
Now not talking about relationships, I feel better with the cold weather because the hot weather gets me desesperated. I love rain and also relax deppending on how well my day was.
I tihnk weather does not have to affect you and how you behave. You just have to be how you are. Of course we all change our behavior deppending on the weather. Perhaps you do not believe this but with the sunny days I behave in a bad mood with my parents but get to meet a lot of people.
Well, I hope my literature teacher likes this blog because my mood now is good, a little desesperated of doing homework and also of not getting to write 650 words. My life has not changed or not being affected by the weather at all. I just don not care of getting wet by the rain or get to sweat because both ways, I get wet.
Well still not to get to 650 words. Perhaps some times weather affects my life because my girl got mad one time because I did not saw her for like two weeks. On those two weeks I did not saw her because of two reasons. One it was that I skate every day. The other one is that it was raining too much. The thing is that she eventually got happy again with me.
Another bad experience is that I did not went to Xetulul like 4 times because it was raining. Well now I already get to 650 words so I will go to take a bath.
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